Our Story
Rose St. Trading Co. is a gorgeous emporium located at 1036 High Street, Armadale VIC and an incredible online store, that both offer an array of beautifully diverse wares, including the latest fashion, artwork, jewellery, furniture, accessories, homewares, gorgeous gifts, beauty and bath products, children's wear and so much more.
With the support of our incredible community in store, online and on our social platforms (we love our Insta community!), Rose St. Trading Co. has become a brand that is synonymous with selling beautiful things; an emporium of products oozing classic beauty and timelessness all year round.
An Australian, family-owned business that was founded in 2006, Rose St. Trading Co. has had very successful stores in Hawthorn (VIC), Albert Park (VIC), Double Bay (NSW) and other gorgeous locations. In 2018, Cate fell in-love with a beautiful retail space located at 1036 High St, Armadale VIC and decided it was time to focus all energies into making this our one and only flagship store.
Upon entering, you are greeted with a beautiful period building, ideally suited to the splendour you’ll find inside. Walking through the tall, black double wooden doors, you’ll instantly see a range of beautiful things all radiating with timeless elegance and of course, the fun and friendly RSTC team will make you feel so welcome.
Fashion and Homewares all under one roof! We love it and adore our RSTC team, customers and community! Come and visit or send us an email. We’d love to say hi!